

Once upon a time, there was a llama named Llerma. Llerma was not like the other llamas - he was fascinated by the moon. Every night, he would gaze up at the glowing orb in the sky, dreaming of reaching it one day.

Determined to make his dream a reality, Llerma set out on a journey to the moon. Along the way, he faced many challenges and obstacles. But Llerma refused to give up. He persevered, never losing sight of his goal.

Finally, after a long and difficult journey, Llerma reached the moon. As he stood there, basking in its glow, he realized that his determination and perseverance had paid off.

Llerma returned to earth, sharing his story with all the other animals. He taught them the importance of never giving up on their dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem. And from that day on, Llerma became known as the llama who reached the moon.


Step 1: Create a wallet

Download Phantom or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to Phantom.app.

Step 2: Get some $SOL!

You will need to have SOL in your wallet to switch to $LLERMA. If you don't have any $SOL, you can buy directly on Phantom, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Step 3: Head to Raydium

Next we need to head to Raydium and connect our wallet (You can use another SOL exchange to accomplish this too). Visit Raydium or navigate to it via your Phantom app.

Step 4: Load up on $LLERMA

Paste the $LLERMA token address into Raydium, select LLERMA, and confirm. When Phantom prompts you for a wallet signature, accept.
Now switch that stinky old SOL for $LLERMA and enjoy.